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Loaded Steak Quesadillas

Loaded Steak Quesadillas
Looking for an easy and filling recipe for 30 minutes or less for dinner ? Because I needed a nice, easy, breezy meal that kept me full, keeps the kitchen decent, and doesn’t take me forever. And guess what?
Success!!! Meet this 30 minute loaded cusadella steak ???????.
Download you ask ? Not only are these steak layers layered with a pound of top sirloin, there are also black beans, fire-roasted corn, cherry tomatoes, avocados, and two layers of cheese of course. This value of goodness makes cassadia a sligh higher base cheese in world, don’t you agree? … I’ll make cusadella steak for dinner!” level.
Speaking of steak, you went down a crazy easy road. No season, no lazy cooking, nix . Regular sirloin steak, topped with spices (mix Mexican spices to win!) And quickly seared in a skillet, 3 minutes max on each side. Thin slice against grain and that’s it! Put it in the quesadilla and throw everything in the oven.
Not in rare steak ? do not worry! The steak is only roasted fast on stove top because it will cooking more in the oven, closer to medium rare and medium range.


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+On the meat
° ¾ – 1 pound sirloin
° 1 teaspoon chili powder
° Half a teaspoon of paprika
° Half a teaspoon of ground Mexican oregano
° Half a teaspoon of cumin
° Half a teaspoon garlic powder
° Half a teaspoon of onion powder
° Pinch of cayenne pepper
° Half a teaspoon of salt
+For a quesadilla
° 4 large tortillas
° 2 cups Mexican mix cheese
° A cup of cherry tomatoes, cut into thin slices
° A cup of roasted corn kernels canned in a fire, drained
° Half a cup canned black beans, drained
° ½ An avocado, cut into cubes
° Wedges of lemon and freshly chopped cilantro for garnish

Instructions :

  1. Preheat stove ( oven) to 425 deg F . Preparing a baking griddle with a piece parchment paper .
  2. In a small bowl, mix all the spices and salt for the steak. Cover the steaks with an ample amount of the spice mixture.
  3. Heat 2 tsps olive oil in a skillet on high heat. Roast steak, no extra than 4 min per part . The steak will cooking more in oven so make sure it’s only sear! Remove from heat and leave for 5 minutes while preparing quesadillas.
  4. Place 2 tortillas on the prepared sheet and sprinkle each one with half a cup of cheese.
  5. Topping with tomatoes / corn / black beans also avocado.
  6. Cutting steaks To thin slices, facing grain. Placing slices on top of loaded tortilla.
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  8. Sprinkling rest of the cheese equally on every of quesadillas and cover with the rest foil.
  9. Bake in the oven for 6-8 minutes, until the cheese has melted and the tortilla is heated.
  10. Taking it out oven also sliver it as waanted . Adding coriander also serving with lemon chunks, & your favourite sour cream also gua-camole sauce!

Enjoy !

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