They Said Hydrogen Peroxide Was Great, But They didn’t tell You This

They Said Hydrogen Peroxide Was Great, But They didn’t tell You This

In case of cuts and bleeding wounds, we have all been taught to use hydrogen peroxide. It is also known to be good for disinfecting skin in both adults and children.

However, you may have not heard that hydrogen peroxide has plenty of other uses, aside from these? Hydrogen peroxide’s chemical formula is H2O2 and when pure, it is transparent and very water-like.

Although it looks like water, hydrogen peroxide is much more different in content and is richer in oxygen. If brought to a boiling point, hydrogen peroxide is bound to explode.

In households around the world, a milder and more diluted version of hydrogen peroxide is used. The general chemical we use at home is normally present from 3 to 5 percent.

When we cut ourselves and pout hydrogen peroxide on the wound, the solution actually releases oxygen molecules and, thus, the bubbling appears.

It is incredible to learn so much more uses and benefits from hydrogen peroxide, so we present the full list below.

Note: The majority of these uses refer to a 3% consistency of hydrogen peroxide. Also, the abbreviation ‘HP’, found throughout the list, stands for hydrogen peroxide.

Hydrogen peroxide uses and benefits:

1.) Destruction of viruses- to do this the best way, place three drops of 3 percent HP in each ear. Let the solution act for 10 minutes, and then drain it from ears. According to experts, this method enables easy prevention against flu and cold. You will also get rid of the ear wax as well.

2.) Elimination of pesticides- to protect your vegetables from holding pesticides used in their growing process use about ¼ a cup of HP. Place it in a bowl together with 3 cups of water.

Soak your vegetables in this solution for half an hour. Afterwards, rinse well and place them in the fridge. Make sure your vegetables are healthy and whole, to prevent HP from soaking inside the product.

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