These Diseases Are All Caused By Microwave Ovens, And You’ve Probably Ignored Them

These Diseases Are All Caused By Microwave Ovens, And You’ve Probably Ignored Them

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Since they were introduced on the American market, about 30 years ago, microwaves have become a staple in every kitchen. What makes these cooking appliances so popular is their simplicity and convenience. You can defrost, heat, and cook food in no time.
However, there’s been mounting evidence that microwaves are not as safe as we see them, and more importantly, not the healthiest cooking option. Namely, microwaves deplete food of its nutrients and leave it with low nutritional value.

Ionizing radiation, microwaves are a form of non-ionizing radiation, ionizes the atoms in food thus changing their electromagnetic nature. This interferes with the way atoms interact with other atoms and molecules surrounding them. Just for information, X-rays, gamma radiation, and nuclear medicine (CT scans, barium swallows, and mammograms) are all types of ionizing radiation. So, food cooked in a microwave is a subject to high-frequency waves of heat, which are possibly harmful to health.

How do microwave ovens heat/cook out food?

Microwaves work using alternating currents, which force atoms to reverse their polarity. This results in friction stirring the water inside the food molecules and causing the food to heat up.

How are microwave ovens dangerous?

According to experts, there are 2.45 billion hertz inside a microwave. This is completely OK until the seal on your microwave door gets old and starts to leak. The frequency harmful for the human body amounts to 10 hertz. That’s why it’s important to take caution and never stand near an operating microwave. You won’t possibly know if you’ve been affected with the dangerous leak until it’s too late.

How does a microwave oven harm our bodies?

It can trigger birth defects.
It leads to cancer onset.
It causes cataracts.
It weakens the immune system.
It compromises the body’s immune response to bacteria and viruses.
It can lead to more serious illnesses.

What does the microwave oven do to our food?

It breaks the chemical and molecular bonds.
It degrades and depletes food of its nutrients.
The radiation from the microwave destroys and deforms the molecules in the food, creating dangerous radioactive compounds.
Microwaved breast milk loses 96% of its antibodies.
Microwaved baby formulas have an altered structure – the components change into amino acids, creating immunological abnormalities.

A 1992 study examined the effects study participants experienced after consuming microwaved vegetables. These included:

Fast rising cholesterol levels
Hemoglobin drop leading to anemic-like conditions
Drop in white blood cells
Increase in leukocytes pointing towards poisoning and cell damage
IMPORTANT: Exposure to harmful levels of electromagnetic fields (EMF) is possible even when the microwave oven is perfectly sealed. This radiation, also used for x-ray machines, goes through human bodies causing serious health problems. According to EPA, 0.5mG – 2.5mG. is the limited exposure to EMF radiation that a person should be exposed to. If you stand 4 inches from your microwave when it’s operating, you will be exposed to 100 – 500mG. But, standing 3 feet away will reduce exposure to 1 – 25mG.

Although microwaves are a simple and convenient way to prepare fast meals, they may come with a toll. So, the next time you put your food in the microwave, ask yourself if it’s worth your and your family’s health.


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