Put Some Vicks Vapor Rub on a Garlic Clove. The Reason? You’ll Regret Not Knowing This Sooner!

Put Some Vicks Vapor Rub on a Garlic Clove. The Reason? You’ll Regret Not Knowing This Sooner!

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The most used decongestant of all times is Vicks VapoRub and this is confirmed by the selling figures. It is consisted of camphor, turpentine oil, levomenthol, thymol, eucalyptus essential oil and Vaseline which contribute to the anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and analgesic properties.

It is usually used for the treatment of congested airways, cough, sore throat, headache, and so on. These are its common uses, but this product offers more. Follow reading and find out all its uses.

16 Amazing Uses for Vicks Vaporub

Deals with the symptoms of influenza and coughs
This product will treat the congestion in the airways, cough, and a sore throat, and for that reason you need to use it on your chest and throat before going to bed. Thanks to its anti-inflammatory effect, and the warmth it provides, your breathing will be without any obstacles thus offering you a good night sleep.

Soothes headaches triggered by sinusitis
If sinusitis brings you headaches, then definitely you should try this method. In order to relieve the pain rub a small amount of it on the temples and forehead. Likewise you can use the following method: use a small amount of Vicks under your nose, but do not touch the nostrils, and then inhale deeply. Due to the presence of menthol in the ointment, the dilation of the blood vessels will be reduced which is the reason for the occurrence of the painful pressure in the head. In this way the pain will go away almost instantly.

Alleviates severe ear pain
For this purpose, you will need to use a clove of garlic, but first you need to put it in the microwave for 10 seconds. After that apply a small amount of Vicks Vapo Rub on the garlic and then place it inside your ear.

The use of garlic along with the ointment will help you to quickly relieve the earache as this vegetable is a remarkable antiseptic that efficiently treats inflammation, and thanks to the heat from the microwave and the effect of Vicks the ear pain will be gone in no time.

If you do not like the use of garlic, you can solely use Vicks applied on a small cotton ball and then placed straight into the ear. This way will also relieve the pain just in a few minutes.

Treats fungal infections
For the treatment of fungus on your nails, you need to use little bit of Vicks on the nail by performing a massage so that the ointment easily penetrates into the skin, and after that wear your socks on. Perform this procedure two times a day, in the morning and in the evening before going to sleep. Thanks to the antiseptic properties the infection will be easily treated. However, make sure to regularly trim your nails in order to help the healing process.

Relieves an elbow tendonitis
The elbow tendonitis can be very painful, but it can be easily treated if you apply some Vicks VapoRub on the afflicted area. Due to the content of the menthol and camphor the pain will be soothed. You can repeat the treatment till the pain entirely goes away.

Soothes muscle pain
This product is a great solution for painful muscles, and for that reason apply a sufficient amount of it on the painful muscle and start massaging it gently. After that place a dry and warm towel on the painful area and then lie down, or raise the painful limb. Thanks to the massage the blood circulation will be enhanced, the muscle knots released and the provided heat effect will instantly alleviate the pain.

Eases Athlete’s foot
This fungal infection affects the skin between the toes, and as a result of this skin condition the skin gets dry, red and starts to peel. Therefore, the skin needs proper hydration and the use of Vicks twice a day will nicely hydrate the skin and soothe the irritation.

Treats cracked heels
Heels are the most stressed body part as the whole weight is supported by them, and because of that they are prone to cracking. This process is enhanced when the person stands a lot or wears uncomfortable shoes. They can be easily treated by applying some Vicks on the heels in the evening before going to bed, and after that wear your socks on. As mentioned before this ointment contains Vaseline which will moisturize the heels during the whole night, and as well as facilitate the exfoliation of the dead skin. In the following morning, wash your feet with warm water and after that scrub them with pumice. In this way your feet will be smooth and soft free of cracks.

Removes acne and pimples
Apply some Vicks on directly on your pimples, but make sure that it remains solely on the acne or pimple so that you do not irritate the surrounding skin, Do this treatment at night before going to bed and leave it to act during the night. In the morning rinse well. The use of Vicks will dry the pimples, cleanse and soothe the affected area.

Blurs the bruises (blue ones)
In this case, you need to make the following mixture: in some Vicks add a pinch of salt, and then apply it in a thin layer on the blue bruise. The use of this mixture will speed up the thinning of the formed blood bag and that will substantially lower the swelling and blueness.

Blurs stretch marks
Stretch marks are unsightly skin lesions that occur due to weight gain or pregnancy. However, they can be blurred by the use of VapoRub. All you have to do is to apply some of it on the affected area like the hips, stomach, buttocks but avoid the breasts. The positive outcomes will come after the second week of use and all because of the moisturizing and healing effect it has.

Deals with warts
Warts can be eliminated by applying Vicks two times a day and after its application you need to wear your socks on or cover the warts with gauze. The positive results will come very soon, just after few days of use. Yet, the treatment needs to be continued minimum for 2 weeks or till the warts are completely gone.

Skin moisturizer
This ointment is high on Vaseline which efficiently moisturizes the skin. Thanks to this content lots of people use it to treat chapped lips and dandruff.

Horse racing
Believe it or not, but horse racing professionals use a little bit of Vicks under the nostrils of their horses in order for them to stay focused on the race and not being distracted by the smell of mares.

Prevents pets from misbehaving
Vicks is very efficient product if you want your pets to behave accordingly thus saving your furniture. All you have to do is to apply a little bit of Vicks on the wood furniture, doors and window borders, and in that way your cat will not scratch them anymore. Your dog will also stop to mark its territory in your home if you place a jar of Vicks opened in the affected spaces. Thanks to the strong odor your pet will stop misbehaving.

Keeps mosquitoes at bay
As a result of the strong odor that this ointment has the mosquitoes will be kept away. For that purpose you will need to apply a little Vicks behind the ear, then on the knees, elbows and neck.


You need to be aware that this ointment should not be used by pregnant or lactating women. Likewise, children under 12 should not inhale it, and also people with a history of seizures. Dermal application for infants less than 2 years is not recommended. Vicks must not be applied to damaged skin, including burns, wounds, eczema, and so on.

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