Keanu Reeves, the Guy Who’s Been ‘Crashing’ Weddings Lately

Keanu Reeves, the Guy Who’s Been ‘Crashing’ Weddings Lately

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Imagine your wedding day, all dressed up and together with the love of your life. Everything seems just perfect—the booked venue; the guests, no matter how many; the food, whether it be catered or not; and the timing. Just when you thought the day couldn’t get any more perfect—bam! Keanu Reeves ‘crashes’ your wedding.

What are the chances of that happening? Seems very slim. Keanu Reeves, the actor known for “The Matrix” and “John Wick,” just randomly showing up at your wedding?

For some people, having a celebrity crash your wedding may be a little intimidating. And depending on the celebrity, it’s hard to know how the event would play out.

Although that’s not entirely what happened with this couple. It seems the fact that Reeves was there made their wedding that much more exciting—and was the icing on the cake, so-to-speak.

On Aug. 25, 2018, Jarrod Camara and Leslie Walker got married at the Dream Inn in Santa Cruz, California. Just before they tied the knot, Camara’s brother noticed that Reeves had been sitting at the hotel bar and the group asked Reeves for a picture.

The picture of the newlywed couple and the actor found its way onto Reddit where it had garnered a wide variety of responses—not to mention a whole lot of them—some of which were good, and others, not so much.


According to the Reddit thread, the brother of the groom, Jordan Camara, commented, “we actually approached him while he was minding his own business at the bar and asked to meet and take a picture. We heard he was hanging out in the bar and we wanted to meet him obviously.”

The “John Wick” actor was “awesome,” according to the brother of the groom. Jordan Camara told the HuffPost, “Keanu got right up and shook everyone’s hands and then did that awesome pose for the picture. He was just as calm and cool as you would think he’d be and he was happy to take a picture with them.”

For a man who was known to play rather subtly expressive characters—or rather just characters who only had one expression, like Neo in “The Matrix”—it’s hard to visualize Reeves with any other expression.

ABC7 news reported that Jarrod Camara is a big Keanu Reeves fan, according to his mother, Darlette. She echoed what her son said, adding that Reeves was “just so sweet, the nicest person.”

“We walked in, he was in his motorcycle gear having a drink and coffee or whatever, and we interrupted him and he was so gracious,” she said.

One of the groomsmen also commented on the same sub-thread underneath the comment of the groom’s brother. “Groomsman Here,” he wrote. “This checks out.”

There were also quite comedic responses for the Reddit post. Some were even asking Reeves to crash their wedding when they get married next—even though technically, there was no actual ‘wedding crashing’ involved.

The surprises didn’t stop there. On Aug. 22, 2018, a week before the aforementioned wedding ‘crashing,’ Reeves was seen at another wedding, dressed very casually.

The special couple Moray and Maura, who wed that day in New York, seemed to have just finished their ceremony and were pleasantly surprised by Reeves who just happened to be passing by. They had been posing for their wedding photos as Reeves walked by.

Needless to say, they now have a pretty cool wedding photo.

Slanj Kilts, the kilt company, posted the photo on twitter, and wrote, “Best #Wedding Picture EVER!” They went on to complimenting Moray, who was wearing one of Slanj Kilts’ kilts.

There is a chance that perhaps these incidents were not a coincidence, and that Reeves is on a mission to surprise happy couples on their special day?

No matter what the reason, it seems like Reeves is just happy to put a smile on people’s faces.

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