His Job Is To Take Patients To Their Rooms But Captured Camera Footage Of Him Goes Viral

His Job Is To Take Patients To Their Rooms But Captured Camera Footage Of Him Goes Viral

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Going above and beyond is something that Lindon Beckford has done for more than 30 years now, and he is not about to stop. He is able to spread joy at his workplace each day as he transports patients from their operation rooms and back to where they will temporarily stay. For the patients, something as simple as going from one room to the next can be a scary thing. Being wheeled through the unfamiliar hallways to where they will have their procedures done can create tension or anxiousness, but whenever Lindon is there, he helps to ease it all away

He warmly greets patients with a smile as he introduces himself, “My name is Lindon and I’ll be your chauffeur.” At this point, his opportunity arises. He taps into the power of music by singing to the patients, and sure enough he eases their fears and brings a smile to their face. Some people are so touched by it they can’t help but cry. Him doing this shows that he isn’t just there for his job, but more so for the patients. When he first started his job many years ago, singing was just something that he naturally did, but when he came to find that the patients really enjoyed it, he now takes requests and even has some people sing along with him.

Singing to the patients makes them feel so special. In a place where they expect their operation, they unexpectedly receive so much more than that. Having someone there for them to take them where they need to be, to take their minds off things, and cheer them up means so much to them. Watch his beautiful work in the video below.

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