Black Lemonade Recipe: The Cleansing Drink That Is So Powerful

Black Lemonade Recipe: The Cleansing Drink That Is So Powerful

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In a world full of toxins that pose serious health threat to each and every one of us, the search for the perfect cleanse escalates with every passing day.

Cleanses represent a way of purifying your body from toxins and chemicals, by consuming certain natural products that are able to affect the organism in such way.

The perfect cleanse comes with numerous benefits, including digestive system boost, improved intestinal performance, ameliorated sleeping habits, etc.

For that reason, we also need to incorporate healthy practices in our everyday, including proper dieting, hydration, no caffeine and alcohol, no cigarettes and meds, and others.

The benefits of a proper detox are endless, and even the simplest things such as bloating; mind clarity and energy levels will be improved in the process.

Take a look at these detox tips that will help you get all the benefits you need:

Drink lukewarm lemon water upon waking up.
Eat organic products, as well as cold-pressed vegetable juices.
Eliminate potentially harmful foods, including wheat, cow dairy, refined sugar, inflammatory fats, processed and packaged foods.
Choose natural personal care products.
Dry brush.
Perform Epsom, Himalayan salts detox or even an alka bath.
Limit caffeine intake.
Drink alcohol only when celebrating.

Stress, improper diet and many other environmental factors can affect the body negatively, stuffing it with toxins of all sorts, thus burdening the most vital body organs.

To avoid that, we offer a simple cleanse treatment, also known as black lemonade.

This detox liquid has everything you can ask for and will last you for days. It is also tremendously healthy and organic, which is exactly what you need!

Dark Arts Elixir

Due to its main components, filtered water, lemon juice, activated charcoal, pure maple syrup and Himalayan salt, this drink has a strong dark color, and an intense taste.

When all these ingredients are combined together, the outcome is more than favorable.

Activated Charcoal

Let’s not mistake barbecue charcoal for activated charcoal. In fact, activated charcoal is non-toxic and its purpose serves in the health department.

By deoxidizing the charcoal, carbon comes to play, which is the main contributor to clear pores, and poisons/toxins eradication.

Make sure to do your research properly, so you don’t mistake these ingredients and cause even bigger health problems.

Activated charcoal has found its place in the medical industry and is used to treat drug overdose or poisoning, due to its ability to remove toxins from the body.

By drinking this elixir for two weeks, the results are bound to impress you- glowing skin, no more bloating, lightness and body energy. To learn how to prepare this drink for yourselves, take a look at the instructions below:

Dark Arts Elixir

Amount:  4 servings


— 4 cups filtered water
— 1/3-1/2 cup freshly squeezed lemon juice
— 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
— 1 teaspoon (about 3-4 capsules) activated charcoal (available in powder or capsules)
— Pinch of Himalayan salt


First, juice lemons until you drain every last drop from them. Transfer lemon juice to a pitcher.
Open up capsules gently and pour all contents in the lemon juice pitcher.
Then, add remaining ingredients to pitcher and stir until everything evens out.
Drink on an empty stomach, 1hour before breakfast and dinner. Stir well before drinking it.
Refrigerate and keep for up to 5 days.


It is best to transfer the liquid in a well-sealed mason jar, shaking it before every use.

Make sure to go slow, since activated charcoal can cause many detox side-effects, such as headaches, nausea, foggy brain, skin breakouts, irritability and low energy. All these symptoms will eventually fade; you just need some getting used to.

Activated Charcoal Precautions

Pregnant women or breastfeeding moms should not use activated charcoal. Consult your doctor to set up a nice regiment if you are taking certain meds as well.

Don’t forget to consume activated charcoal on an empty stomach, since foods can disturb its influence. Keep in mind that activated charcoal can bring a change in color in your stool, so brace yourselves before panicking.


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