5 Things You Shouldn’t Order on Amazon

5 Things You Shouldn’t Order on Amazon

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When I’m in the market to purchase, well, anything, I usually first check Amazon to find the best price. Over the years, however, I’ve noticed that I can’t just use the site as a one-stop shop for everything on my list. Some things are simply cheaper elsewhere. (I’ve even started using the PriceJump tool from to compare Amazon prices against those at other retailers.) Here are five items that usually aren’t cheapest on Amazon.

1. Groceries
Yes, you can order virtually anything on Amazon, including food. But examine those price tags first. I checked out a few staple items, like Skippy Natural Peanut Butter, which costs over $8 per container on the site. One commenter noted he could buy three jars of the same stuff at his local store for this price. I agree. Then my eyes bugged out of my head at the sight of a $7.99 box of Kix Cereal (12 ounces) that I recently purchased for under $3 in our breakfast aisle. Sure, it’s convenient to get groceries delivered to your door step, but not at such a premium.

2. Personal Care Items
I was shocked when I went looking for my favorite container of Dr. Bronner’s Castile Soap only to find it costs several dollars more online than it does at my grocery store, even with free shipping. Some further investigation uncovered that the Neutrogena mascara I use costs $11 on Amazon compared to the $9 I spend at the corner drug store. And today as I write this article, there’s a buy one, get one 50% off sale with my Rite-Aid Wellness Card. The same henna dye I use to color my hair is an insane $50 on Amazon, versus the $25.95 I pay on (One area where Amazon wins? Sun care! Most sunscreens I use — organic and conventional — are several dollars less on the site.)

3. Cleaning Products
I find much better prices on cleaning supplies at discount clubs and big box stores. For example, Pledge Furniture Polish costs over $5 (with $7.41 shipping) on Amazon, versus the $3.93 at our Walmart store. A four-count box of Mr. Clean Magic Erasers costs nearly $10 on Amazon, compared to just $3.47 at Walmart. The list goes on. Plus, you can save a ton on cleaning products by making your own at home, which is what we’ve done for all-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, dish soap, dishwashing detergent, and more.

4. Fitness Gear
I love my FitBit fitness tracker, but I snagged it at a low price with a coupon at Kohl’s. On Amazon, this wristband is a competitive $88, but you can still save some cash by shopping elsewhere and taking advantage of sales or store incentives.

5. Clothing and More
When it comes to clothing, shoes, and other apparel, you’ll need to go on a case-by-case basis and shop around. Online retailers, like, offer great deals on all the top designers and often have codes for extra savings. Using coupons and taking advantage of seasonal sales can yield better prices on everyday wear at your local store. Sometimes Amazon has some incredible deals, like 70% off this cute Kenneth Cole Skylar dress — just $30. Other times, not so much. This Calvin Klein baseball jacket is $168 on Amazon, and $130 on sale at Macy’s.

This list isn’t exhaustive by any means. We’d love to share thus article on social media.

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