Father reveals why he decided to share photos of his wife and baby after they were killed by a drunk driver

Father reveals why he decided to share photos of his wife and baby after they were killed by a drunk driver

Father reveals why he decided to share photos of his wife and baby after they were killed by a drunk driver

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Few things are more sad than when someone is killed by a drunk driver. Those who are intoxicated should never be on the road in the first place, so it’s horrifying when another driver who is doing everything right is killed by a drunk motorist.

Last month, Zach Kincaid of California found himself living a nightmare when his beloved wife Krystil and their unborn child were killed by a drunk driver.

Krystil was eight months pregnant at the time with a baby girl, who was to be the family’s fifth child.

On the night of the crash, Krystil had left work early so that she could go home and make lunch for her other children to take to school the next day.

The drunk driver who killed Krystil and her baby was champion boxer Marcos Forestal, who made things even worse when he took video at the crash scene and posted the footage to social media.

He has since plead not guilty to a gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated charge, which he plans to fight with his boxing money.

Though Krystil was eight months pregnant, he won’t face murder charges for killing her baby since the infant had not been born yet. The family had planned to name the little girl Avalynn Onix.

Zach surprised many by sharing personal photos of the bodies of his wife and baby at their funeral, but he wanted to show the world how horrifying drunk driving is in the hopes that this won’t happen to any other family.

Father reveals why he decided to share photos of his wife and baby after they were killed by a drunk driver 2024 | TIPS

“A drunk driver speeding down a two-lane highway at 85+ mph in the wrong lane around a blind corner destroyed my family,” he captioned the photos.

“The max sentence for killing my wife and daughter is ten years max,” Zach continued.

“The state of California doesn’t think there was intent, but I know driving recklessly in that manner, he didn’t intend anything good.

My daughter’s due date was October 9th, a 36 week old fully developed baby isn’t considered a person in the state of California.”

What happened to this family is beyond horrifying. How do you think the driver behind this should be punished? Let us know in the comments section.

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