Alkalize Your Body and Fight Disease With These 10 Foods

Alkalize Your Body and Fight Disease With These 10 Foods

Alkalize Your Body and Fight Disease With These 10 Foods

Alkalize Your Body and Fight Disease With These 10 Foods 2024 | TIPS

The balance in life is essential, and this is also true about the diet you consume, and the pH levels in your body.

Namely, in order to maintain health and prevent numerous ailments, the body needs to have balanced ph levels. After the consumption of acid-forming foods, the body releases alkaline-high minerals, like magnesium, calcium, and phosphorus, in the attempt to balance the pH level of the blood.

Therefore, if our diet is poor in these important, alkaline-forming foods, the body will need t use the minerals in our organs, teeth, and bones, and thus lead to exhaustion, and a weakened immune system, making us more susceptible to diseases.

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